Welcome to the Danish Reproducibility Network!
The Danish Reproducibility Network (DKRN) is a peer-led consortium located in Denmark. It follows an organisational format adopted internationally as nationwide “Reproducibility Networks”. The DKRN collaborates with the other Reproducibility Networks whilst remaining a unique and independent community.
Our mission
DKRN is a platform that connects Denmark-based researchers aiming to promote, facilitate and educate about open, reproducible and robust research. We aim to achieve this through fostering collaborations on projects and through the organisation of events. Our work will ensure that Denmark remains an integral part of world-leading efforts contributing to the dissemination of best research practices and positive culture change in academia.
More information
We recently published a paper about the conceptualization, organizational structure and purpose of the network in BMC Research Notes: A grassroots approach to peer support by the Danish Reproducibility Network
This infographic gives an overview of the structure we envision:
Here you can access our Terms of Reference and Code of Conduct.
You can also read about the strategy of the National Reproducibility Networks.
Want to join us? Or just keep an eye?
Being part of the network means that you are signed up to our communication channels so that you can receive information from us. There are two ways to stay in the loop:
- Sign up to the mailing list at the bottom of this page
- Send us an email and ask to be added to our Slack workspace where we exchange ideas, post about events and training opportunities
If you want, you can also contribute to the network. All contributions matter - big and small. Here is what you can do:
- Tell your colleagues about the events we organise and encourage them to participate.
- Attend our general network meetings where you can meet other people within the network.
- Propose an idea for an activity - or share ideas about how the network can develop and grow.
- Become a node lead.
Our consortium welcomes contributions from researchers at all academic levels from all research disciplines, librarians, lab and research managers, research and academic educators as well as representatives of societies, associations and grant funding organisations. Get in touch with us directly at danish.repro@gmail.com
A special call for PhD students to help with a journal club
We are looking for enthusiastic PhD students to contribute to a Denmark-based ReproducibiliTea Journal Club. The journal meetings will be held remotely and we will discuss interdisciplinary papers on matters relating to open, reproducible and transparent research.
Upcoming Events
In-person workshop 10 April 2025 at 13:00 - Promoting Robust Research Culture**
Join us on Thursday 10 April 2025 for an in-person workshop on promoting robust research culture! Location: Pioneer Centre for AI, Copenhagen
Registration: Free but spaces are limited -> SIGN UP HERE <-
Description: In this first of our in-person workshop series (three total, see below), we will hear short presentations about the speakers’ experiences with leading research projects and teams. Specific focus will be placed on cultivating a positive, robust and transparent research culture promoting the implementation of open and reproducible research practices.
Preliminary program: 13:15 - Short welcome and information about the DKRN 13:20 - Cyril Pernet, Rigshospitalet 13:50 - Anne Thorst Melbye, Syddansk Universitetsbibliotek 14:20 - Luke W. Jonston, Steno Diabetes Center 14:50 - Discussion with invited speakers 16:00 - Social gathering and networking, tour of the telescope
Save the date: We are planning two more meetings in the spring semester: the 8th of May on Reproducible Workflows and the 5th of June on Quality Assessment in Reproducible Workflows. Save the date, and we will update this page with sign-up links when registration opens.
DKRN General Meeting If you are interested in the network’s activities or wish to contirbute, you can join our online meetings every two months. Details about meeting dates are sent to the recipients registered on the DKRN mailing list. Sign-up on the bottom of the page.
Past events
D3A Conference 2024 - Level up your data & life science lab’s reproducibility!
We presented short videos from researchers in different disciplines at various institutions, who talk about the open and reproducible research practices applied in their work. Videos are on our YouTube Channel!, slides are here
DKRN Launch Event - 24 August 2023, University of Copenhagen Library
- Kira Stine Hansen, The Royal Library
- Tony Ross-Hellauer, Graz University of Technology, Austria - “Strategic priorities for reproducibility reform: The case of TIER2”
- Agata Bochynska, University of Oslo, Norway - “NORRN: Barriers and enablers to building reproducibility communities”
- Etienne Roesch, University of Reading, UK - “UKRN: facilitating culture change through training and education”
- Loek Brinkman, Dutch National Centre of Expertise and Repository for Research Data - “Reproducibility Network and Open Science Communities: drivers for change”
- Birte Christensen Dalsgaard, University of Aarhus - “Reproducibility – thoughts on the underlying FAIR ecosystem”
- Lorna Wildgaard, Copenhagen University Library - “Supporting Open Science and Reproducibility at Researcher Services”
- Jesper Schneider, Aarhus University - “Is reproducibility for all?”
See the full details of the program and slides
Steering Committee
Do you have questions about the DKRN? Do you want to join the discussion, or volunteer to help out? Please feel free to join/contact us in any of the following ways:
- Send an email to danish.repro@gmail.com
- We have a newsletter provided by Brevo, for which you can sign up for below. This is a GDPR-compliant newsletter, however, this may mean that the emails might end up in your spam - please check this and add us to your contacts when you sign up!